Why Cost of Crown Surgery is High

Losing hair from crown is indeed a very devastating experience. You not only loss hair but also your self-confidence. The major reason is that this kind of hair loss has direct affect on your personality and appearance. When you lost complete crown hair, you look like an aged and mature person even in your young age. A person who lost hair from front section still looks younger than one who lost hair from crown.


When it comes to hair transplant cost in Islamabad on crown section, then you know that it is a very costly procedure. You might be wondering why this procedure is very costly. If this is a question in your mind then it is time to find out its right answer below.

If you look closely, it becomes clear to you that hair on crown section grow differently than other parts of scalp. Hair grows in more than one direction in this area. You can see a whirl of hair on this area. When you lost hair from this section and consult with a hair surgeon then he needs to create the exact whirl of hair on your head. More numbers of grafts are required to create this pattern. More grafts mean high cost of hair loss treatment.

Another factor is direction of hair growth. A surgeon needs to create a whirl that matches exactly to your existing whirl or lost whirl of hair. If he doesn’t match the direction, hair growth will be in reversed pattern and thus resulting in completely unnatural look.

Surgeon charges high for crown hair transplant because this surgery requires intense effort and time of surgeon along with more grafts. In addition, only an expert is able to do this job in a right way, and when you hire an expert then often you have to pay high amount of money.