What to Expect of First Hair Surgery Medical Checkup?

Now you are considering hair restoration as an ultimate solution for your hair loss problem. The next thing you might be wondering is your medical exam. You might want to know what will happen during this exam. It is good to know that hair loss is not a mystery. There is always a cause behind this problem. The basic purpose of a medical exam or an examination session is to know the main cause behind hair loss. A hair surgery is not a straightforward procedure like you go and get a surgery. It is systematic procedure. A surgeon likes to know about the root cause before he suggests the best treatment for you.

hair transplant in Pakistan

Sometimes, it happens during an exam that he examines your scalp and comes to know that your hair loss problem doesn’t need a surgical treatment. Either you are not a candidate or your problem can be solved with the mean of some medications.

In most cases, men and women are facing extreme hair loss problem due to male/female pattern baldness. This condition is quite common and almost 80 percent of hair loss patient have the same condition as the root cause. This condition is easy to treat with hair restoration in surgery Peshawar.

However, there are some cases when pattern baldness is not the cause. In such scenario, a physician has to perform some tests to know about the cause so he can suggest you the best treatment for your problem. The common tests are hair pull, scalp biopsy, hair shaft evaluation, etc.

Now you get complete idea what will happen during a medical exam for hair restoration. The next step is to choose the best hair transplant clinic in Pakistan. If you pick the best clinic then you are in a position to enjoy the best services and results.