Why Beard Hairs are used for body Hair Transplant?

In many cases, surgeon prefers to use beard hair as donor hair for scalp hair FUE transplant surgery. Many patients of hair loss definitely have a concern why this part of hair is used commonly. What makes them so special? If you also have the same concern and question then it is time to get your answer.

hair transplant in Pakistan

If you compare growth of your beard hair with that of other parts of hair such as arm hair, leg hair, etc then you will notice that beard growth very fast as compared with other body hair. It is a reason that many guys are able to keep a very long beard. The length of beard hair is also longer than leg/arm and other body areas hair. As a person enjoys high yield or growth of beard hair, so surgeon normally prefer to use these hairs for scalp hair surgery. They can surely use other body parts hair for a surgery but such hair won’t grow as longer as beard hair can. You also have to make a compromise on yield.

beard hairs are not always considered idea donor hair for a body hair restoration in Pakistan. Sometimes, these hairs are very coarse and therefore they are not regarded perfect cosmetic match for head hair transplant. Even though a surgeon can use it for a scalp hair surgery yet results of this surgery might not really attractive for a patient.

In order to make a decision about whether beard hair would offer desirable results for a surgery or not, surgeon opt for a test transplant. The purpose of it to check the yield and looks of transplanted hair. Surgeon continues with a surgeon only when patient feels good about test outcome otherwise he looks for other donor hair.